Friday, September 10, 2010

Study: iPhone Users Download Average of 40 Apps, Android 25, BlackBerry 14

Study: iPhone Users Download Average of 40 Apps, Android 25, BlackBerry 14

The last we had heard in mobile app research was a forecast that there would be 25 billion downloads by 2015, and along the same vein, Nielsen has released the results of a survey of some 4,000 mobile users about their application downloading habits. As you’d expect, iPhone users were the most active, with an average of 40 apps installed, while those with an Android phone had 25. BlackBerry trailed significantly with an average of 14 applications, and across all platforms, the average worked out to 27 applications. Those numbers are all up from December, showing that even on BlackBerry, interest in mobile apps is growing. No surprise there.

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