Friday, April 22, 2011

Part of staying fresh is being responsible for your childs educatuon.

Part of staying fresh is being responsible for your childs educatuon. I watched a 5 year old use Rosetta stone for the first time.  She didn't Practice spanish any other time, yet she was a natural at it.  At the top of her class,  class as in,  whole 1st grade. And she gets the directions from her very caring mother.  Her mother cared that she learn to read before she was able to read.  If you can understand that. Made sure that not only did she do her homework, but underdstood what she was doing. Giving her smarts that she could apply to everything she  may run into in life.
I'm gonna add more later.      

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to Make Your PC as Fast as the Day You Bought It

How to Make Your PC as Fast as the Day You Bought It

How to Make Your PC as Fast as the Day You Bought It
One of the most frustrating things in life is a slow computer. 
Every few years, we buy an expensive new PC and love how fast it starts up, runs programs, and loads websites.  Inevitably though, it starts to slow down until eventually we are pulling our hair out waiting for it to do routine tasks.
Why is this?  It turns out the answer is actually quite simple and you don't even need to be "technical" to understand the causes and solutions.
The good news: It's not the computer hardware that's the problem.  In most cases, the hardware you have is perfectly capable of being restored to its original glory and kept in fast running condition with minimal effort.
Rather, the problem lies with changes that occur to the PC's software.  The two most common causes of slowdown (along with easy solutions) are:
1. The most common problem: registery errors
Every time you (or your kids) load a program, game, or file, your PC's software registery is updated with new instructions needed to operate that item.  However, when the item is removed, these instructions usually remain on your PC.  Every time you run your computer it tries to execute these instructions but, because the related program can't be found, it causes a registry error.  Your PC is doing a lot more work than it should be and the result is a significantly slower computer.
One of the best ways to manage this is with a neat little tool from, a Silicon Valley based company.  It's called ARO 2011 and it scans, identifies, and fixes registry errors--resulting in a computer that's a lot more like it was when you first bought it.  On top of the amazing results it offers, it's so easy to install and use that it was recently awarded a coveted 4.5 star rating (out of 5) by CNET's editorial staff and has been downloaded more than 30 million times.
You can now get a free working version of the software which will quickly scan your entire PC and identify all of the registry errors that may be bogging it down.  The free version also scans for junk and checks your PC's baseline security status.  It will eliminate the first 100 errors for free, and if you have more errors that you want to clean up or want to set the program to run on a regular basis (which is recommended), you can easily upgrade to the full version for just $29.95.  After that, registry errors will no longer be a problem.
To get the free version simply click here.
2. Spyware and viruses
Spyware and viruses are software programs that are loaded on your computer without your knowledge or permission.  They have various purposes, including:
  • Changing the default search engine in your browser.
  • Tracking your Web surfing habits and showing you targeted advertising.
  • Using your email program to send out spam to other email addresses.
  • Stealing your personal information.
Most spyware and viruses get onto our computers through files that we download from the Internet or as attachments to emails.  They tend to take up a lot of computing power and, as a result, will significantly slow down your computer.
The simple rule of thumb to follow is to never download any free software programs from companies you do not know and trust, especially screensavers, emoticons, and the like.  In addition, you should never open any attachment to an email unless you are 100 percent certain you know and trust the sender.  In addition, make sure you have a good anti-virus/spyware removal software running at all times.
Follow the above advice and your PC should stay fast and safe.

law enforcement authorities are more and more commonly requesting e-mail, instant-message, and cell-phone location data, despite the gray area surrounding whether or not providers have to give up this information.

Law enforcement agencies vacuum up data online, lack reporting procedures

I read your e-mail
Police and other agencies are deferring to the Internet for investigation purposes - and a new paper points out is no required report for this activity.
A doctoral candidate at Indiana University has published a paper claiming that law enforcement authorities are more and more commonly requesting e-mail, instant-message, and cell-phone location data, despite the gray area surrounding whether or not providers have to give up this information.
Christopher Soghoian’s paper, titled The Law Enforcement Surveillance Reporting Gap, alleges that there “are likely hundreds of thousands” of requests for information and that while this has become generally accepted and known, we should be more concerned about this type of activity being monitored and recorded. Soghoian points out that Congress requires law enforcement agents to document wiretapping, but for some reason snooping over the Internet hasn’t fallen under the same type of scrutiny. Of course, this has pushed investigation to the Web, where authorities have more freedoms.
As it currently stands, there is no official reporting method when it comes to various methods of electronic communication surveillance. And the information is largely being given to officials by Internet providers and phone carriers alike. “Unfortunately, many companies, particularly those with the close ties to the government, will not discuss their disclosure of user data to law enforcement agencies,” Soghoian says. “ The reason for this widespread secrecy appears to be a fear that such information may scare users and give them reason to fear that their private information is not safe.” AOL, Facebook, Google, Sprint, and Time Warner are only a few of the companies that have admitted to receiving massive amounts of police requests for user information.
Of course, there is reason for this type of investigation. Investigating drug and child pornography cases account for “the majority” of this type of surveillance. But the act itself isn’t what’s being held up as ludicrous – it’s the fact that law enforcement agencies aren’t being required to create statistical reports of these actions.
While that sort of legislation hasn’t made it very far in Congress, politicians continue to lobby for increased consumer control of data-collection. Bloomberg reports that Senators John Kerry and John McCain introduced a new bill today that would let consumers mandate whether or not businesses stored their information. The bill would not include the heatedly debated “do-not-track” stipulation.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Sidekick 4G will be available from T-Mobile on April 20th. You can pick one up for $149.99 with a 2-year contract. Send in the $50.00 mail-in rebate and your final cost is $99.99.

The Sidekick 4G will be available from T-Mobile on April 20th. You can pick one up for $149.99 with a 2-year contract. Send in the $50.00 mail-in rebate and your final cost is $99.99.

If you are serious about messaging and social networking, the Sidekick 4G is the perfect tool for you. The handset has a 49-button QWERTY keyboard with rounded keys hidden underneath the display that snaps open and close with a precision and well-built slider mechanism. It looks so sleek, so retro.
But the Sidekick 4G is the first of its line that has a touchscreen, and that’s definitely not retro.  Neither is a 1 GHz Cortex A8 Samsung Hummingbird processor, so it is far faster than its Sidekick predecessors are.
Speaking of speed, the Sidekick 4G can use the T-Mobile4G HSPA+ network for blindingly fast downloads.
The Samsung Sidekick 4G is running Android 2.2 Froyo and a customized UI and it gives you access to the Android Market with hundreds of thousands of apps.
Naturally, it is preloaded with social networking apps.
If you have been a Sidekick devotee, you should relay like this.  In fact you will probably fall in love with it all over again.
The Sidekick 4G will be available from T-Mobile on April 20th.  You can pick one up for $149.99 with a 2-year contract.  Send in the $50.00 mail-in rebate and your final cost is $99.99.
Watch the video below to see how this cool smartphone really kicks.

Adobe's Upcoming Photoshop Apps: What to Know, and What it Means

Adobe's Upcoming Photoshop Apps: What to Know, and What it Means

iOS Photoshop Apps
Adobe today announced another evolution in Photoshop, their image editing software. Photoshop has for many years been the standard for professional graphics designers, and we don't see that changing in the immediate future. It's one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful image editing tools available, and everyone from graphic designers for print and web to 3D texture artists use Adobe's flagship software for getting work done. That's why, when Adobe does something that involves Photoshop, it gets users' attention. This one involves Photoshop and iOS, so it definitely gets our attention.
Let's take a look at what's coming with Adobe's release, and how this matter for the mobile platform:
1) Photoshop Touch SDK
This is one of the more interesting parts of the news to come from Adobe. It's the a free Software Development Kit (SDK) that makes it possible for developers to create software on other mobile platforms such as Android and BlackBerry.

2) It's Actually Affordable
Usually, affordable and Photoshop don't fit in the same sentence. The Photoshop Apps will only run $1.99-$4.99. One is Adobe Color Lava, the other is Adobe Eazel and the third is Adobe Nav. That means that even though the software like Photoshop CS5 runs $699 and CS5 extended is (ouch) $999, these little add-ons are reasonably priced.

This is Interesting Because...
It's narrowing the gap between the desktop and the tablet. Much like the recent GarageBand update, which made it possible to open files created on the iPad with GarageBand for Mac, this will allow users to create files on their iPad and open them in Photoshop. This can make for a great tool for Photoshop artists. Someone could easily start their basic painting while away from the computer and open it up when they get to their desktop. Perhaps working with their fingertips is easier, or they are away from the computer.
Really, that's just the beginning. It may be the start of software being fully able to integrate with a tablet or mobile device.

3) Wait...What's That? Photoshop May Be Affordable?
Looks like Photoshop may be affordable now. They are introducing a subscription plan in which a user can pay a monthly fee and get to use the software on a subscription basis. It's not clear whether this can be somewhat of a "rent to own" type plan, but that would be interesting as we'd like to see an easy way to purchase the software for the more budget-concious consumer.

The Evolution of Software
Because of hardware like tablets and services like the Mac App Store, it seems that software may become more affordable over time. It also seems that the gap between tablet and desktop is getting smaller. Adobe realizes this and is pushing forward with it. They are also making their major software packages available to users who want to pay by the month. That's a great way for users to use the software without having to commit $700 immediately.

Dream Job Posting: Spaceship Pilots Wanted

Dream Job Posting: Spaceship Pilots Wanted

Some might do a double take at this job posting, but it is legit. Virgin Galactic announced today they are looking for pilot-astronauts and are now accepting applications…from qualified candidates. High scores on Aces of the Galaxy or Space Flight Simulator probably doesn’t meet the criteria, so just what does constitute Virgin Galactic’s idea of qualified?

Virgin’s press release says qualified candidates are full course graduates of a recognized test pilot school who are broadly experienced with both high-performance fast-jet type airplanes and large multi-engine types. Prior spaceflight experience is desirable. You’ll also have to be able to create a safe and enjoyable commercial suborbital space flight experience for your passengers.
Those selected will have the responsibilities of knowing the WhiteKnightTwo and SpaceShipTwo spaceflight system test program in and out (and in accordance with government regulations and company policies in Mojave, California where test flights take place and Virgin Galactic’s commercial operations at Spaceport America in New Mexico.)
For more information and to apply click here

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

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new york and nearby models , get an outdoor photo shoot and all pictures uploaded to your website built by TijuanPhotography ..

this means you get design , hosting , management , and a outdoor photo shoot 

all for just $299/year  ..


Website design , hosting , and management - $199/year

Just getting starting , your gonna need a website ....
Models website . photographers website . music artist website .
models /artist/small business/etc.
Website design , hosting , and management - $199/year , when you use my templates...
646-535-MEPC .