Friday, January 1, 2010

Credit card scanning add-on coming to iPhone Now you can sell stuff or steal money from anywhere

Credit card scanning add-on coming to iPhone
Now you can sell stuff or steal money from anywhere

Mophie, maker of battery add-ons and cases for iPhones and iPods is set to show off its credit card reader and third-party app for the iPhone.

Drunk Drivers Evade the Cops With Twitter

Drunk Drivers Evade the Cops With Twitter

Twitter has become the ultimate turncoat lately, functioning as a soldier for the police and drunken drivers alike.

We reported last week that inebriated drivers in Texas are to be outed on Twitter, and now cops report that the culprits themselves are using the microblogging site to inform others of the location of sobriety checkpoints.

read the wholw story ..

Secret mobile phone code cracked

Secret mobile phone code cracked

By Maija Palmer, technology correspondent

Published: December 29 2009 15:11 | Last updated: December 29 2009 16:17

Computer hackers this week said they had cracked and published the secret code that protects 80 per cent of the world’s mobile phones. The move will leave more than 3bn people vulnerable to having their calls intercepted, and could force mobile phone operators into a costly upgrade of their networks.


A New Apple Tablet Computer Could Overwhelm Data Networks

A New Apple Tablet Computer Could Overwhelm Data Networks

So what happens when Apple releases the next, best thing? The blogosphere and tech press are totally psyched over the pending release of an Apple tablet or pad computer -- one that will "change the world" no less. But nobody is asking the question of usage problems. If an Apple tablet is announced in January and released shortly thereafter, are the wireless networks the device will run on be overwhelmed?

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